MVP Tournament Results

The MVP tournaments for Summer Session 2024 were held at Billiard Plaza on September 21 & 22.  There were nine different tiers, five in 8-Ball and four in 9-Ball.  Thirty-six players won $100 vouchers toward the cost of singles qualifiers!
The winner and runner-up in each tier are as follows:
Tier Winner ($70 cash) Runner-up ($30 cash)
8-Ball SL 2&3 Jesus HerreraSynthia Avila
9-Ball SL 1-3 Melissa Le VineEllen De Angelis
8-Ball SL 4 Ceyda CehreliDavid Gallegos
9-Ball SL 4&5 Bob Castle Danielle Romo
8-Ball SL 5  Debby DayGeorge Linker
8-Ball SL 6 Gino RossiEugene Avendano
9-Ball SL 6-7 Bob ThomasAnthony Guy
8-Ball SL 7   Manuel Herrera James Zarco
9-Ball SL 8-9   Shanta Parab Mike Lin 
In addition to the cash award, each player listed above also received a trophy and a $100 singles voucher.  The following players also won $100 singles vouchers for their third-place finishes: Nitin Wagholikar, Vern Rayta, Daniel Sanchez, Josh Gaither, Robert Tripp, MaryAnn Hobbs, Mike Lin, Ali Damirchilou, Edgar Lopez, DennisOBrien, Janice Turabaz, Austin Enzen, Jan Lebeau, Brooke Edwards, Gabriel Lee, Brian Rebman, and Mark Perry.
Congratulations everyone!